Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am a person like a flower!

I'm not sure if you could tell, but the picture in my first post included a thin book. This thin book is the Workbook companion to Parachute.  Some might say, "The workbook is unnecessary/redundant/just another product to make money." I'll agree on the redundant part. All of the text in the workbook is in the book. However, I will tell you that I like having all of the worksheets/tables/exercised in one place. There is more work space in the workbook than in the book. Extra pieces of paper are almost unnecessary.  For me, not having scattered pieces of paper   cluttering my table or having to recreate tables in a blank notebook is priceless. In case you're looking for it in a bookstore or online, the most recent edition (4th) looks like this:

The exercises in the current chapter I am working on (or basically, most of the workbook) are based around the concept that a person is multifaceted. Thus, the ideal job a person is looking for is multifaceted as well.

So, "I am a person that is like a flower." There are seven petals on this flower. This week, I finished petals 1 & 2.  The first petal is all about the subjects I'm interested in or the careers/fields that are most appealing to me.  The exercises took a while to go through, but here is what Petal 1 looks like for me:

Petal number 2 was a fun one, I have to admit.  It has to do with the kinds of people you want to work with. However, in order to know what qualities you're looking for, you need to know what you HATE! Remember that coworker that was always gossiping behind people's backs or that boss that micromanaged you until your head almost exploded? You probably NEVER want to work with them (or anyone else like them) again! I don't blame you.

How can you compare horrible trait over horrible trait? They're ALL bad!! Parachute forced me think about all those bad experiences, coworkers, and bosses.  I never would have thought to include types of coworkers in my search, but it really makes sense. Think of how working with people you get along with or that are like-minded affects how you feel about your job.  Some common rants I have heard include: "My boss doesn't listen to me!" "My coworkers are so dumb!" "That girl doesn't pull her weight!"

So, here are the WORST qualities for the people I have worked with over the years and the ones I want to avoid:

Maybe in the comments below you all can talk about the qualities of horrible bosses or coworkers you have had the misfortune of sharing an office/job with. I would LOVE to hear the stories, and I'm sure it would get your brain working about the kinds of people you want to avoid (and by proxy, the kinds of people you WANT to and ENJOY working with!)

Speaking of which, here is my second Petal, the kinds of people I prefer to work with:

Oh! A Holland Code?! What's a Holland Code? I know, it perplexed me until I did the Party Exercise. Now I know I'm a SAE or ASE or ESA, etc. For the explanation, you'll have to read the book!

That brought me to the 3rd Petal, transferable skills.  This petal's introduction says it can take a weekend or more to complete. I feel since the weekend is upon us (Happy Easter for those celebrating. Happy Passover, too!), completing the 2nd petal was a good place to stop. I know... skills! You're on pins and needles!

Now, for my job hunt update! I never heard back from the job at the record label in New York. Though, to be fair, I was never really sure about follow up procedures to faceless job applications (with or without personal references).

I have learned from that first application, though. I will be calling, knocking down doors, or renting out billboards (joke. I'm not that wealthy.) until I find out the status of my application/interview.

More recently, yesterday, I applied for 2 jobs at 2 other record labels in NYC. I'm kind of excited!  Also, I was tweeting yesterday, and discovered a job opening I'm suited for at an organization I never would have considered, had I not seen their tweet.  Sometimes, happy accidents are the best!  They asked for an email with a bit about myself. I attached my resume anyway. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think resumes are on their way out/old-fashioned?  Do you put all your trust in the PERFECT resume? Talk about it, please! The more of us banding together, the better!

Thank you for reading. I know this wasn't a light entry. If you read all the way to this point, I would appreciate some feedback.  Start some chatter!


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