Thursday, February 28, 2013

A package arrives...

Today, I received a package from my Uncle Dick.  Some of you might be saying, "Yeah? And?"  Well, my uncle isn't just anyone. He's Richard Nelson Bolles, the author of What Color Is Your Parachute? a.k.a. The Job-Hunter's Bible. He's also my great uncle, to be precise-- my grandmother's brother.

Uncle Dick sent me this package as a "Thank You" present for promoting the newest edition of his book.  He overcompensated for  taking so long by sending so many of the books you see in the picture above. I am not a career counselor, nor am I 'so-called handicapped.' I do speak a good deal of Spanish, but I'm not about to read this book in conjunction with a dictionary at hand.  It's long enough!

Today, the author also posted a YouTube video link to a talk he gave last year (I would give you the link normally, but the video appears to be having technical difficulties).  During this talk, he read a passage from an email a recent college graduate had sent him. She talked about finally giving in to doing the exercises in the book and finding "[HER] job."  Well, Heather Smith, whoever you are, thank you. You've inspired me to do the same.  

Confession: I am tired of drifting from job to job, interest to interest, with nothing really sticking.  Let me translate that: I want a career I am passionate about (I'm a really passionate person. Not having one makes me feel a bit imbalanced.). I want a fulfilling job that I am hungry for: one that I look forward to each day, one that makes me feel like I am reaching my potential as a human being, and one that I know is what I alone was put on this Earth to do.

So, dear friends, I am beginning a journey with you.  I hope you'll follow along.  This isn't a test for me (I'm not going to call this Day 1, and see how many days it takes for me to 'find myself.').  It will be an exercise in discipline (keeping this blog up-to-date and regular is a habit I look forward to forming).  This is THURSDAY! How about.... every Thursday, I give you an update on my reading Parachute, my exercises, my job-hunting, any motivational quotes I find, etc.? A good place to start, anyway.  I am here on the internet hoping my search will help someone else. I am hoping we can bolster each other's resolve, attitude, determination, energy... anything we need to get what and where we want. Also, I promise this won't just be a gigantic advertisement for my uncle's book. Though, if you want to buy it, it's available at most any bookstore. Here's a place to start: Buy Parachute.

Welcome to My Parachute Journey.